Why am I so sad?

Feeling sad happens to everybody
You don’t always need a reason to feel sad – sometimes sadness can creep up on you and you’re not really sure why.

Why do people feel sad?
You might feel sad if you have a problem to deal with, had a fight with somebody, or if you’re missing out on something fun. Sometimes you don’t know why you feel sad.

You might not feel like yourself
When you’re sad your body can feel heavy, tired, or sick. You probably won’t feel like doing the things you used to. Lots of people feel this way when they’re sad.

Ask for help
If you feel sad most of the time and have felt this way for a long time, then it could mean that you need somebody to help you get past it. Sometimes you can’t do it by yourself – and that’s ok!

Talking about sadness is ok
If you’re sad all the time and need help to feel better again then talk to a parent or adult you trust. Also tell a friend you trust. Call a Kids Helpline counsellor and get some ideas on how to start feeling better.

Be kind to yourself
Try to be patient until it passes. Remove yourself from places or people who make you feel worse. Take some time out to just rest, relax, or doing something you enjoy! It helps to take your mind off things.

Remember, sadness will go away in time
It doesn’t hang around forever – even if it feels like it will! Sadness usually goes away after a little while. Tomorrow is a chance to start again!